Sunday, August 15, 2010

An Understanding of Fard Muhammad : Allah IN Person

Allah in Person

WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims.

The above statement is the Cardinal point of Belief for the followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. It is also the crux of the disagreement between the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in the West and the So-Called “orthodox” world. However, a more mature understanding of what Mr. Muhammad wrote will clarify this disagreement (least for those in whose hearts is not a disease). Even amongst members of the Nation of Islam, there is disagreement and misunderstanding on this vital subject.

Now let us examine the validity of Mr. Muhammad’s claim.

According to the Holy Quran, there are three ways that Allah uses to speak to Man:

1. Inspiration
2. Behind a Veil
3. By sending a Messenger

Holy Quran 42:51- It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah's permission, what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise.

Of particular interest is method 2, from behind a veil.

Veil: something that covers, separates, screens, or conceals.

*Remember, ALLAH knows best what language to use!*

I am NOT Salih Muhammad. That is the VEIL. The Essence of me (or you) is much greater than that. The FLESH serves as a VEIL that covers the spirit. The spirit is clothed in the Flesh. Allah, the originator, created the flesh as a perfect suit for us.

“Most of our sisters who accuse our brothers of being superficial and not getting to know them beyond the contours of their bodies know that their physical is the veil that prevents most from getting acquainted with their intellect.

A woman being behind a veil is interchangeable with a woman being in a veil.

In the case of Fard Muhammad, he would be the veil. We say Allah came IN the person of Master Fard Muhammad. Fard is the veil. “-Quote Ali Muhammad

Since Allah appeared to us IN the PERSON of Master Fard Muhammad, Who or What is Allah?

Allah is the Original Man. Etymologically that means that Allah is the Original Mind.

WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims.

Appear: to come into sight; become visible.

Allah, the only reality, became Apparent with the coming of Fard Muhammad. If I have a lamp without a light bulb, it may be plugged up, but I would have no way of knowing this unless we had a vessel through which the electricity could be made known. The light bulb makes the electricity apparent. Fard Muhammad made the reality of Allah clearly apparent to us.

The MIND of the Originator is Present in Fard Muhammad. That Original Mind was made APPARENT to us, through Him!

There is NO Mystery God! When we say the Original Mind, this is no spirit floating in the space. The Mind of Allah is revealed through his KNOWLEDGE. By growing into the knowledge of that which the Originator created, we are growing into His Mind.

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5) ”

Also: in addition; too; besides; as well.

If Christ Mind is ALSO in him, where did it come from? It is the mind of the Originator.

“Every time you look at the Blackman and Woman, you are looking at God.” The root of each of us is GOD. Fard Muhammad is at PERFECT oneness with “the God within.” As a result we call him MASTER. He Has mastered self and all that exist within the Universe.

Do we worship Fard Muhammad? NO. The Flesh is not worthy of worship. Fard Muhammad was born and will die like EVERY ONE OF US. We Worship that which makes him who he IS. We do not worship the veil. We worship that which lies behind the veil.

Do we pray to Fard Muhammad? In our prayers we say, “O Allah who came to us in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad.” He is the one through whom Allah is Perfectly Manifested. He and the Originator are one.

Allah appeared to us IN the Person of Master Fard Muhammad! Allah appeared to us IN the Person of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad! Allah appeared to us IN the Person of Minister Louis Farrakhan. When we grow, Allah will be appearing to others, THROUGH our person’s!


Salih Muhammad said...

@ Zack..Thanks Bro.

Anonymous said...

One word for this post...Its called SHIRK!

It has nothing to do with Islam you guys are a cult. Thats why you hide behind Scientology, Christianity and all sorts of other religions BUT Islam.

May Allah guide you! ameen

Anonymous said...





• In Bukhari’s Hadith we find a sea of disturbing and contradictory claims regarding the compilation of Allah’s book. There were differing versions, even in Muhammad’s day: “Ibn Abbas asked, ‘Which of the two readings of the Qur’an do you prefer?’ The Prophet answered, ‘The reading of Abdallah ibn Mas’ud.’ Then Abdallah came to him, and he learned what was altered and abrogated.” This is reasonably clear. The Hadith says that portions of the Qur’an were conflicting, changed, and cancelled.


And Allaah revealed other aayahs in a separate soorah, where He says:
“Say (O Muhammad): “It has been revealed to me that a group (from three to ten in number) of jinn listened (to this Qur’aan). They said: ‘Verily, we have heard a wonderful Recitation (this Qur’aan)!” [al-Jinn 72:1]


Even the Prophet had a shaytaan with him, his constant companion (qareen) from among the jinn, in the hadeeth which says that the Prophet said:
“There is no one among you but he has with him a constant companion (qareen) from among the jinn and a constant companion from among the angels.” They said, “You too, O Messenger of Allaah?” He said, “Me too, but Allaah has helped me against him (the devil-companion) and he has become Muslim.”

Anonymous said...

Are the Jinn and Angels men in the Quran?

Unknown said...

Well put Blackman peace

Anonymous said...

For those of you making negative comments about Master Fard Muhammad, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam, I'll say it once again. Ignorance can stifle learning, in that a person thinks that he or she is knowledgeable will not seek out clarification of his or her beliefs, but rather rely on his or her ignorant position. He or she may reject valid but contrary information, neither realizing it's importance nor understanding it. In other words some of you are you are just verbally masterbating, Jaw jacking and just plain running off at the mouth about something you have no real insight or knowledge of.

Unknown said...

Good post my brother. Stay Strong!

Unknown said...

Who's hiding we have been teaching this in the beginning. So who's hiding and what are we hiding behind. One thing so call Muslim hate to admit if it wasn't for Elijah Most would be able to call them selves Muslim. Shirk what a joke.

Unknown said...

Well put beloved it makes me sad when you hear ignorance disguised as intelligence coming out of the mouths of asses(donkey). When they have no real argument they just twist the words,of the intelligent to try and sound intelligent. If you know so much,have so much understanding where is there followers and crusades. I can't stand (imp).
Thank you Brother

Unknown said...

What on earth are you talking about! Ok if that is true that what did he teach? He surely did not teach the 5 pillars of Islam.

Unknown said...

And if he was Allah, wouldn't he have left a better mark, legacie? Like no body really knows this guy?! How can you guys believe that he is God?

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