The following Notes come from MY BROTHER Jesse's Twitter Feed :). Using Modern Technology for the Cause of Allah (God)
"The end of Prophets has come....but God came in Person to end the time of Prophets
"I thank the Hon. Elijah Muhammad for diligently preparing me."
"I thank everyone of you who have come forward to labor in this assignment"
"Thank you for coming to one of the greatest Laborers' Conferences in history"
"There is enough work for everybody and then some"
"Right now, the whole world is thinking about Islam"
"We are fairly free to practice what we believe"
"We (Blacks) have suffered so much affliction but we're not filled with hatred. There is so much God in us"
"There's so much to know and we know so little"
"We (Blacks) once we're a great people but we have been brought to naught"
"America is a wilderness...the first four letters (wild) tell you why"
Min. Farrakhan is now speaking on the words "Behold, I make all things new
"A new human being.....that's the work that is before us

"His vision (Master Fard Muhammad)...there is no stopping it"
"God did not raise us up to selfish and vain."
"One of the things we have to fight is the Arrogance of knowing."
"When we think we know, we get stuck! So, knowledge is an evolving process"
"When God says 'Be' its already done...things are already in motion"
"If material existence is more important than the spiritual existence then the life force is compromised"
"If the life force is resurrected and cleared of debris--then the people can focus on what is right"
"Dissatisfaction brings about a change
"All things come from the mind of a human being"
"That's what got the world messed up---spooky religion"
"...you can do more, if you knew more"
"To make all things new, God has to make a new human being"
"If you're satisfied with the condition of this world, raise your hand"
"This world doesn't produce peace--sisterly of brotherly love"
"The sad thing about that is, its a "B.S." degree."
"The education of this world is a failure because it has not produced the man that God wants"
"We have to look for the work of a man who is making people alive"
"We talk Christ like the grocery store talks apples...you can't make mockery of Him"
"The right religion keeps you purified in the process all the way to the goal"
"The right religion does not make you think you have arrived"
"When you go out in search of knowledge, you never return. There is always more to know"
"There is no ceiling for men and women..if God is infinite, so is man and woman"
"You are only limited by your lack of vision!"
"Trying to do better is not as good as Doing better"
"God says 'If you want to be me, then you want to be yourself'. But you have not known yourself
"He never said take on His personality. He said "Let this mind be in you"
"Excuse me, I'm so fired up!...you don't know how happy I am to see people being made new
"Surrender to a principle, a new teaching, a new idea...that will bring you a new mind
"The moment we accept praise for what God has done we start losing the power and the effect from what was done"
"Arrogance can short circuit our ability to use what we have been given”
"Prayer sets the attitude--the state of mind that's proper for advancement"
"By nature we are not patient. That is something we have to learn"
"You can't be made great in six weeks”
"Multiply the success, but be patient with yourself"
"All seeds don't germinate at the same rate of speed. All human beings don't grow at the same rate of speed
"Children born of clean bodies and clean minds will come into the world to solve problems that have plagued man
"The word 'genius' is really punk stuff. It takes gods to create a new world"
"We're going to destroy that kind of thinking because God is not a sexist."
"The world is stripping the man of his natural authority"
"I don't care how much lace underwear you wear brother, you aint no woman”
"How can you (woman) beat him down and love him at the same time?
"The husband you have is sufficient--its just you lack the 'technology' to increase his sufficiency”
"Your true mind is really the mind of God
"Learning how the mind works and learning how to think properly...."
"We're going to encourage everybody to get back to 'How To Eat To Live'"
"Administrate yourself, your children, your family....manage your house
"I am happy at what I see "
"Purging the spirits of arrogance and vanity"
"Don't think just because we're elevated we can't fall"
"From this point on, every day at the mosque is a class day"
"Stop being fascinated by buildings--become fascinated by building that valuable final product (you)"
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