Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Shabazzian Cycle: In the Shadow of Time

How Shabazz was right and What does he teach Us?

Throughout time, we constantly see cases of an individual or group of individuals who have an idea. But this idea is rejected by those who rule or by the people. It seems, quite unfortunately, that there is a sort of revolving door with this. The individual is right; the individual’s rightness is denied; the individual rebels. Over and Over again! It’s time to stop the revolving door!

Shabazz had an idea to make a people stronger than nature. He presented this idea to the Holy and Wise scientist of Islam (The Order of Melchiesidek) and they agreed that Shabazz’s idea was not useful and would not be followed. However, Shabazz’s idea was Right and necessary in the more grandeur scheme. If he had not went through with His idea we would NOT have survived slavery and the coming of Allah IN the Person of Master Fard Muhammad would have been inhibited.

Shabazz’s rebellion was wrong. But his idea was Right! His idea served a purpose that he may have seen that the Scientist did not see.

Mary desired a good man (Joseph) and a great child. Zacharias did not ‘like’ or agree with Mary’s idea for a mate because He did not meet Zacharias’ standards. Nonetheless, Mary’s idea for a man was perfectly met by Zacharias. We know this today because they, although in rebellion to the law of the time, gave birth to a mighty son.

Shabazz’s idea was right but the elders of that cycle did not see the Scope of Time. They could only see 25,000 years in advance. Zacherias (I may be beyond MY Scope here! Lol) may not have seen the future of a relationship between Mary and Joseph. He may not have seen the idea within the Scope of Time.

Shabazz’s idea was NECESSARY and is the reason we, the Blackman of America survived!

Whenever we are evaluating ideas, we must try to look at the idea within the lens and scope of time!

The Broader Picture:

“Whenever a man shows up and he comes up with something that is beneficial to some with a view of making it beneficial to all, that's not an ordinary man. I want you to hear this. See, common man always wants something for himself. That's why all common ideas die…When a man comes with an idea that he tells you is not for some but it is for all. I wish I could write on a board but I can't. But just look at the word ALL, and the word ALLAH. See when a man comes with an idea that is good for all, he comes from ALL, he comes from ALLAH. The idea is in him, but it's for all.” ~ Minister Louis Farrakhan, Put on the New Man

More Specifically:
When new ideas are presented, we must be wise enough to examine them in the fuller context. We must view them in the scope of time. When Youth present new ideas, elders MUST be willing to examine these ideas within the scope of time! For “In the last days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.”

Reader Feedback: What can be done to reverse the trend?

*Disclaimer: REBELLION IS NEVER GOOD. Don’t be irrational and think that just because YOU think something is right, you should rebel. Especially in this hour when we are divinely guided!


Unknown said...

You dealing my Brother! You dealing!

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