Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In the Beginning was the WORD!

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

The Bible records the first verse of the New Testament with these words. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” WOW! Allah (God) is telling us that the first thing that ever existed was a Word. We know, through the beauty of the universe that it is mathematical and scientifically precise. The order of the universe requires some sort of intelligence. We look and can see the beauty of the way this planet is organized. We recognize the majesty of a God who can take worthless matter and create Sun, Moon, and Stars. However, before he did any of this it BEGAN with a WORD! SAY WHATT!!??

Often, I think we overlook the power of a word. It is from words, that ALL things come into existence. Words have capacity. Words have energy. And the words that are entering our minds and exiting our mouth determine the weight of our very existence. If our words are on a low level, then we will be on a low plane of existence. If our words (conversations) are on a higher level, then our plane of existence will also be on a higher level.

Cleaning up our language will give us the proper orientation of mind that will allow us to grow into manifestations of the power of God. In the Holy Quran, Allah constantly SPEAKS the word kunfayakun, Be and It is. The highest level of conversation that we can have is conversation reflecting on the words of Almighty Allah. When we have such conversations often enough our minds will be organized in such a precise manner that we too can say kunfyakun. We can speak a word and bring it into existence!

Now for my favorite part-SOLUTIONS. Solution #1, READ THE DICITONARY. I’m always fascinated when I reflect on how Malcolm X read the WHOLE dictionary after being inspired by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm would later become one of the best representatives of Muhammad. An understanding of words helps us to understand the power of words. It also helps us to use words that are more reflective of the power of our minds. Instead of calling that annoying co-worker an a-hole, try calling them an annoyance, a menace to society, an irritant, etc…LOL, ya’ll I’m just playing.

Solution #2. CLEAN UP YOUR CONVERSTION. Next time you find yourself gossping, slandering, or engaging in other idle talk, CHANGE the subject. “The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them (Proverbs 12:6).” For “an evil man is trapped by his sinful talk, but a righteous man escapes trouble (Proverb 12:13).” I love Solomon, past and present, for this one though “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing(Proverbs 12:16).”

Solution #3. READ, WRITE, REFLECT. Always be found reading something of value (no, the horoscopes don't count) Whenever you have a brilliant idea, as we all do, Write them down and talk about them. Bounce your ideas off someone else’s mind then go to work.

Ok. COOL. I know this blog was a little long but please spare with me. I’m working on brevity :) . The last thing I want to do is give you a glimpse of some of the topics I’ll be covering. They are as follows (not in chronological order):

  • A new education
  • Good journalism in the 21st century
  • Grindin Coffeehouse, Black Youth, and the Potential for Greatness
  • He came Alone
  • Is the NOI racist?
  • Islam and the College Life??
  • Opposites Attract: The Beauty of Modesty in an unmodest Society.
  • Study to show thyself approved
  • The Black Woman: …
  • The Divine institute of Marriage
  • The Power of the Black Athlete
  • The purpose of Knowledge
  • True Islam?
  • Unveiling the potential of the Black student
  • Who and What is God? Transposing what Elijah Muhammad taught
  • Yakub: “Black Muslim Mythology” or scientifically justifiable?

YES, there will be guest bloggers. If you want to, hit me up!


Salih Muhammad said...

LOL!! I misspelled dictionary ya'll.

Anonymous said...

Nice read. I'm looking forward to the upcoming blogs. Keep it up Blackman!

Zack Raspberry said...

You are wise beyond your years. I needed your message because I had just spoken negative words over my life. (Hey, we all have our emotional moments- even you) But we also have people to correct us and remind us that we have a high calling to live up to.

I wanna guest blog!

Unknown said...

Brother, I love it! Keep it writing and you will only get greater and greater!

Ebony Safiyyah said...


DeNise Renee Muhammad said...

This is right on TIME! Keep it up, Brother!

vivian26 said...

The Minister told us that the Gods Are at War: The Future is all about Y.O.U.t.h.!!!! Lol GO HEAD Bro. Salih!!!!

Callie S. said...


Callie S. said...


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Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites

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