Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yakub: Black Muslim Mythology or Scientifically Justifiable?

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Albert Einstein once stated that "Condemnation without Investigation is the height form of ignorance"

SOOO Many so-called scholard condemn Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam for somehow being "racist" This is in part due to either a) Hatred b) Ignorance c) Envy d) Selective Ignorance. Nonetheless its sad that so-called scholars have the gall to call the NOI racist but don't have the courage to do REAL research.

Minister Farrakhan on Meet the Press
"TR: Last year you gave an interview to Henry Louis Gates, a professor from Harvard, in New Yorker magazine where he asked you whether you still subscribe to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad on Yakub, a Black scientist who 6,600 years ago created the white man, and that by the end of the 20th century, a spaceship will come and rain down upon white people and people who don't embrace Islam. Do you subscribe to the teachings of Yakub, that Yakub, the black scientist, created the white man?

MLF: I subscribe to every word that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us. You know, it's not unreal to believe that white people-who genetically cannot produce yellow, brown or black-had a Black origin. The scholars and scientists of this world agree that the origin of man and mankind started in Africa and that the first parent of the world was black. The Qur'an says that God created Adam out of black mud and fashioned him into shape. So if white people came from the original people, the black people, what is the process by which you came to life? That is not a silly question. That is a scientific question with a scientific answer. It doesn't suggest that we are superior or that you are inferior. It suggests, however, that your birth or your origin is from the black people of this earth; superiority and inferiority is determined by our righteousness and not by our color.
Mr. Elijah Muhammad advanced an argument that caucasians are not native to any area on the Earth. They are not the indigenous people on any part of the planet. Someone was always present before they set foot on the soil of whatever land they "discovered". These people are the most recent people on the planet. Since they were not always living side by side with the original inhabitants of the earth, where did they come from? How did they come about? Did they just pop up out of nowhere? "

The following argument was written by a Brother I highly admire, Ali Muhammad. I could have wrote my own, LOL, but his was soooo poignant, I figured I'd just use this :) Enjoy!

The existence of an entire race of people carrying recessive genetic traits requires explanation more than theoretical speculation based on environmental change, since these same people are now dominating the world outside of the ideal enviornment in which such biological changes would be yielded.

Mr. Elijah Muhammad asserts that caucasians are the product of genetic engineering. He asserts that they are a "grafted" people.

What exactly is this "grafting"?

"Grafting", as an account offered by Mr. Muhammad, describes a process based upon marriage and procreation. It involved a subject group (a percentage of original people) and a controlled enviornment, an area where the process could go on unabated. The process involves marrying individuals of two different hues with the objective of producing children possessing the lighter of the two hues. (*Note: According to Mr. Muhammad, two dark-skinned people of the same hue were not permitted to marry.) The offspring of these unions would marry amongst themselves. Generations of progeny were born lighter than the previous generations (*Note: No dark-skinned children survived birth.) and this process carried on for 600 years, according to the account offered by Mr. Muhammad.

Now, basically, the above process which Mr. Muhammad calls "grafting" is simply...

selective breeding n.

The intentional mating of two animals in an attempt to produce offspring with desirable characteristics or for the elimination of a trait

It is a very real process used today by those who practice...

animal husbandry n.

The branch of agriculture concerned with the care and breeding of domestic animals such as cattle, hogs, sheep, and horses.

And even among the various definitions of "graft", we find...

graft v.

3. To join or unite closely: graft new customs onto old.

In this case, the "joining" is the lighter unto the lighter for the purpose of producing a completely new people.

To those who have read about Yakub and the grafting of the white race, understand that no scientist was sitting in a lab and playing with petri dishes or whatever images come to your mind, when Mr, Muhammad's words are read.

Is selective breeding fantasy? Is selective breeding unthinkable? No. It's not science fiction. It's an ACTUAL SCIENCE that is presently being PRACTICED as you read these words.

As indicated in another thread, members of some scientific communities are beginning to consider "selection" as the means by which caucasians came about.


"Some scientists said they suspect that white skin's rapid rise to genetic dominance may also be the product of "sexual selection," a phenomenon of evolutionary biology in which almost any new and showy trait in a healthy individual can become highly prized by those seeking mates, perhaps because it provides evidence of genetic innovativeness." - Rick Weiss (Staff Writer), Washington Post, Friday, December 16, 2005; Page A01

The Moral of this is we are foolish to condemn something without first investigating it. Let's not get caught in slander and foolery. Study. Study. Study.


Unknown said...

As-Salaam Alaikum!

Thank you for this brief but thought provoking invitation to THINK and ANALYZE the Teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Your site is a valuable resource to us who desire to defend Mr. Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan from attacks by those who refuse to even reason with Islam as taught in The Nation of Islam, whether those attacks come from the "media", from flippant and snide friends and family, or from within our own doubting minds.

Please keep up the good work. You and other young, powerful Muslims are the answer to the prayers of us who went just a few years ahead of you. May Allah bless your effort. Ameen!

Brother Jamil

Gingerd said...

Peace brother Salih and thank you for this thought provoking topic. I have spent ALOT of time thinking about this very topic. I've thought alot about Yakub, and even his helpers. I had to do as advised by a good friend in order to wrap my mind around this teaching... We as humans (especially black people) have to rise above the emotion to see things from God's point of view. When I started working on that, things began to become clear. I also started to study eugenics (another form of selective breeding) and the modern societies attempts at cloning and gene tampering. Take for instance ~ I was watching a new report one day, and learned that the Japanese had learned how to manipulate genes to alter certain features in animals. So they had tampered with the genes of a newly conceived dog, and given the cat a nose that actually glowed in the dark. NO LIE!!! It blew me away!

The glow-in-the-dark cat is the result of a genetic experiment gone right, not awry; he was cloned at the Audubon Nature Institute in New Orleans to aid endangered species ... and down the line, humans as well.

When we think about eugenics, and the planned parenthood devils... they were doing EXACTLY what Yakub set out to do ... and did. Planned Parenthoods ultimate agenda, as hidden as it is, it to keep the population of the aboriginal people of the world to a minimum. At the same time, people like Margaret Sanger became very vocal about certain facets of the white population doing their part in conceiving as many children as possible. Think about Hitler. He wanted a master race of whites with blond hair, blue eyes, and porcelain skin. He tried to make people think that these were the natural elites of the world... of course we know better... but his premise was mostly based on physical characteristics. Same as Yakub. So, MFM has taught us that God allowed Yakub to do his work because these people would serve as a mirror for us, his chosen people... so that we could see all of the worst that was in us. So that we could master that brown germ, which was in Allah himself. When I started to learn all of these things it started to make perfect sense to me.

I also think that a big part of the reluctance on our part to accept that this could happen is because we don't see ourselves as Gods... or scientists. Brother can you imagine that there are 24 scientists (well 25 now *smile*) among us right now! It's possible that we've been in contact with them!!! Quite fascinating to me! But it's hard for a people who can't even pay the rent... or fathom the concept to accept that Yakub was one of our major scientists, and he was wise enough to carry out this mission that would lead us to this present day. The story about him playing with the stones... and it later being symbolic for him finding the two people within the black man... it's just amazing to me. But I think you really have to not only study the teachings, (that goes without saying) but when you really study white people... and their history... and the governments of the world and their studies of the body and the origins of man... it will become clear. And not just a story that may or may not be true in the mind of the reader.

Our people always want to take credit for all of the races. They all came from us... we say. Then if this is true, then we should acknowledge that all that is in them is within us as well.

Great post fam... keep up the good work. Peace!

Salih Muhammad said...

@ Bro. Jamil, Thank You Much!
@Sis. Ginger, Okay, why I wrote this big long thing and it got deleted..SMH...Anyway, my first point was eugenics. Its interesting that Eugenics was originally used to justify the mistreatment of our people under the guise of "science."Then Eugenics morphed int ANTHROPOLOGY. hmmmm. What field of science is it that named the oldest black woman LUCY? LOL..More than that tho, its anthropologist that propagate the falsity that "We are all just the same." Interesting. You can tell the NATURE of a thing by the way it was created. Also, with planned parenthood. Its intersting that the CIA funded this(feminist movement). And its horrible that Black Woman, especially the educated, really choose to get down with this. Its sad. Remember who yakubs laborers were! We are stil living in a world that is the product of his mind.

2.) the Scientist...You KNOW I loved that coment about the 25. I would just add, after the coming of MFM, there IS NO MORE SCIENTIST! By his coming he Broke the cycle of the scientist. He came to make US their Equals! MARVELOUS! THEM is ABOVE the Scientist! They cast their crown down to him! APBTA, for a Mighty God!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent line of reasoning. It could not be made more simple. Truth can and is proven in no limit of time.

Evenwhenilie said...

......It's been brought to my attention that Yakub had particular teachings taught to his creation; teachings that allow them to rule the original people of the earth. It would be just as interesting to read such materials.

......Apart from the teachings of Yakub, there have been other writings that suggest early whites (blue eyed whites in particular) Exhibited behavioral problems that seemed to be innate. Has behavioral problems been scientifically linked to albinism or the various conditions that constitutes white people as we know them to be, genetically speaking?

Anonymous said...

After reading w.d.muhammad's book, "As The Light Shineth Fom The East"

Anonymous said...

All this is funny...smh

Anonymous said...

I think the evidence is partially correct,i do think that the "so called white" came about by some sort of grafting process,similar to what we see with the different breed of dogs,human intervention with the dogs breeding process has resulted in multiple species and different breeds of k9,so there's no reason to think that the process couldn't extend to humam beings (or any other primate for that matter)

IT'S has been recognised by the world over that anyone outside afrca is carrying DNA from a primate called 'neanderthal' which populated Europe before africans migrated there (and make no mistake the neanderthal was nothing like a human being,the lie they would have you believe is that it was a different species of human,however the neanderthal didn't have a working larynx so it couldn't speak or communicate like we do,it didn't wear clothes or make tools,it was closer to a chimpanzee,and would have resembled a tall bi-pedal ape,it was so different from the human being that a human male could not reproduce with a neanderthal female,but the males could with a human female) (link

Further more, "Speaking about africans migrating to Europe",the current theory that they would also have you believe is that the ones who migrated had dark skin,and over time they lossed their pigmentation as a means to adapt to Europes colder temperature,this doesn't make sense at all!and id it did it would mean that all africans who now live in Europe will one day be white (after many generations)...see the problem with this is that human beings are warm blooded and can only ever be tropically adapted!..and the Evolutionary process does not turn the clock backwards,the other issue is that white skin has no more benefit than dark skin in cold temperatures,so why would evolution allow them to loose pigment and be at a greater risk to u.v exposure which leads to a higher risk of cancer and a host of other skin related illnesses that doesn't affect dark skin??

The truth is this,they are a hybrid of that creature called neanderthal and the African albinos who migrated to Europe thousands of years ago,possibly to escape the extreme heat and u.v exposure (imagine their cancer rates back then) and rejection from dark skinned african tribes (albinos are still hunted and killed today in africa)..their scientists know this

Anonymous said...

My proof

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