This is a guest blog by a Sister Believer whom I absolutely admire and consider a very good friend. The Believer's are friends of one another, if you didn't know :). In any event, She's a Sis that I never have a problem pointing to when asked about the future of the Nation, and the future of Allah's chosen People. ENJOY ! ! !
A guest Blog By Sister Khadijah Mahasin Baha Muhammad...
With the woman being the direct descendant of All Mighty God Allah, in her ability to create as God creates is her ability to build Human Potential….. With that being said, this article is dedicated to our very own Sister Student National M.G.T. & G.C.C. Captain Sandy Muhammad.
Sister Captain Sandy, in her brilliance, has given the Women of the Nation of Islam the chance to come to Allah (God) with the Mind of God. In my eyes, she is the Mercy given to us from God and has begun to, as our lessons teach us, “lay the Pressure Upon their (the MGT) Minds of their many errors in the Past and Present, that they may see the Light and Walk therein.”
For myself personally, she has made me mindful of who I am and who’s I am and in her reminder, the feeling of aversion does not enter into my heart and the choice of straying away is not an option. What she has done is placed myself along with a Nation of Women on the path of righteousness….
In that Mercy, is the act of devotion that every nation is appointed with. We can only follow one, if we are wise women, with the knowledge to take this world from a world ruled by Satan to a world where there is only room for the righteous. Not to agree with the movement of this Nation is not to agree with God’s Plan. Our lessons teach us that Master Fard Muhammad can sit on top of the world and tell everyone that the Most beautiful Nation is in the wilderness of North America. In order for him to fulfill his prophecy with the black woman, we MUST allow our wonderful sister to bring that treasure buried under the sands of the desert to the top.
In the Maulana Muhammad Ali translation of the Holy Qur’an Surah 36:48, the question is asked, “When will this promise come to pass, if you are truthful? This promise will come to pass as long as we stay on the path Allah (God) is leading Sister Student Captain on. We are also taught in the Holy Qur’an that the opponents of truth are punished. On the day when man is judged will not be the time to ask to be averted from the fire you lit for yourselves because you are not following the path of righteousness. Footnote 2603 tells us that the light of truth would shine forth, but not without a grave misfortune to those who refuse to go forward, and this is a warning…. Need I say more?
Women were in need of spiritual and moral direction. Now that we have that direction, what will we do with it? We have been given the knowledge and wisdom to attain perfection, but what are we going to do with it?
The only way this can happen is for us to know our self worth and see that Allah did not leave us without yet another leader. He has left us with His Spiritual daughter, a Mary that will herself, Insha’Allah, along with the rest of the Women of God be the ones to give birth in the future to the Jesus, the Moses, the Muhammad’s, and other Prophets of the Bible and Holy Qur’an. We are able to now be the Women of Amran. She is guiding us with the prayer of Mary’s mother while Mary was in her womb and showing us the importance of staying under the charge of Zacharia, (The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan) and never again be women led astray by this worlds life, because through us, the old world order will be null and void.
In that pressure, stress is laid upon the Believers to no longer be comfortable with foolishness but to receive the Mercy that Allah has given us in Sister Captain Sandy. In her comes the first step to getting this nation back on the track only we as women can provide to our Nation. We are taught that a nation can rise no higher than the woman so we have to lay the foundation for the proper environment in order for Spiritual Development of God’s Nation to take place. That first step is Correction and the proper environment is the mind the gives birth to every man and woman in existence.
Sister Sandy is a reflection of God and is breathing the Spirit that God has filled her with into a nation of women that we may rise to eminence and never again look, speak, walk, act, weigh, or produce other than ourselves. In the church, they sing a song in the choir that says, “the Spirit of God is upon us” and if we desire to reflect that spirit in our everyday lives, we must begin to “see the Light and Walk therein.”
Allah, we are taught in the Holy Qur’an, gives true guidance to whom He pleases, and I am blessed to know that there is a sister among us that was given that guidance, and has shared it. The Holy Qur’an footnote 1610 says, “the man (or in this case the woman) who shuts his eyes to the Reminder leads a straitened life because he does not receive spiritual blessings. It is only a contended mind that brings ease and comfort to man, and contentment comes only through faith in God.” When we hear the words of our beautiful sister, who speaks with the Authority and Love, the Love of God comes through her voice and purifies the hearts of the ones listening. I am so blessed that I am a member of the Nation of Islam. I feel so worthy.
That is what is happening to the MGT & GCC class. Sister Sandy is grafting the Minds of the Women of God back into our original state which is righteous women that are direct descendants of All Mighty God Allah so that we may fulfill His prophecy which is to produce the New World Order. It has to come and can only come through the Woman if she has the Mind of God.
To my conclusion, the Holy Qur’an speaks of dead earth being raised to life. Praise be to Allah for her vision because without a vision a people shall perish and the MGT as a whole were beginning to perish… In the Holy Qur’an, in footnote 2110, it tells us what a good woman is. If we are striving to have a pure and unsoiled character, then it is time to see the Light and Walk therein…. The blessing Sister Student National Captain Sandy has given us is not only for sisters, but we are the ones it has been presented to at this time. We are the Mothers of Civilization, so if we are not civilized we are savages. That is NOT what Allah (God) intended for His women to be… We all want to be purified, be it from water or fire, the flesh will be rid of uncleanliness. So let us be mindful that the ones before us paid a price, the ones in our presence are paying a price, and the ones that will come after us will have to pay a price for all that we say we believe. If that price means the Gardens where I am able to walk therein, then the Spiritual Advancement I receive by following Sister Sandy is the reward I shall receive.
Surah 3:30 says as I close, “Say if you love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you, and grant you protection from your sins. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Being worthy enough to live among such a righteous example for the Women of God is indeed a blessing…..
May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the women and men of the Nation of Islam.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Making The Word Flesh-A Brief Story of Grindin
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Allah is the creator of all things, the revealer of all truth, the Lord, nourisher, sustainer, and evolver of all things into their eventual perfection.
A Business is a project. A Business is a project that requires the personal involvement, effort, and work of concerned men to organize to achieve a measure of success. In the word Business the letter ‘i’ can be interchanged with the vowel ‘y’, making it “Busy-ness.” Business requires motion.
The first step toward the establishment of a Business is motion. The first form of motion is thought, which travels at 24 billion miles per second. The first thought that must come is the vision that we have. In his recent lecture titled, Put on the New Man, Minister Farrakhan gave a simple blueprint. He said,
“The ideal scene is composed of vision that has set a goal, and then a process, and a strategy, and tactics, and policy, and data to help us move toward that goal.”
The above are the key elements to the establishment of any business: Visison, Process, Strategy, Tactics, Policy, and Data! To further illustrate the process by which one can attain a state of busy-ness, the Minster continued,
“A nation of gods that have the intelligence, the skill, to say "Be." Organize their gifts, skills, and talents, and resources with a plan and bring what they envision into existence.”
If a man (business) TRULY desires success something more is required! Any business that expects to have true longevity must be attached to the source of longevity, Allah. “We were birthed into His Universe which is a manifestation of His mind.” The Universe is a manifestation of the mind of Allah. Our Busy-ness is the manifestation of Our minds. The spiritual always descends into physical form. Therefore, “You can tell the mind of a man by the working of his hand.”
When establishing a Business, it is important to realize that through your and my intimate relationship with our Lord, we are most able to achieve success. In Study Guide #4 by Minister Louis Farrakhan he writes, in regards to our connection to the Lord of the way of Ascent- Allah. He states, “Lord of the ways of Ascent indicates that Allah (God), the Author of all existence, has given to the whole creation its means of nourishment and has even ordained for every single one of us, a sphere of capacity. Within that sphere, He has already provided us the means or ways by which each of us attains to our goal of perfection in that which He has given us.” Anything we wish to accomplish, business related or otherwise, it absolutely possible as long as we are connected to the Lord of the Ways of Ascent. Then He pre-provides the means, greatness, and mechanisms necessary to accomplish a task. Calling on him, by the way, does NOT excuse us from WORKING Ourselves! It simply puts us on the right course toward perfection.
When we make Allah (God) the true center of All Reality in our Personal live, then we begin to see beneficial results later on. This is the glue that sticks the key principle to each other thereby creating a good, positive, and peaceful cohesion upon which Business’ lay.
All of the above can only be considered to be theoretical until it is actually applied. I along with some classmates put the theory to practice! During my junior year in higschool, I along with my high school classmates was able to open a student ran coffee shop. We originated the idea in our Principles of Business class, which we had planned to channel our natural entrepreneurial abilities by opening a Business. This is the first step, THOUGHT. Unbeknown to us then, we would eventually open a full-service coffee shop to our fellow students, staff, and faculty. This is the Second Principle, VISION. We began to brainstorm and work on small steps toward creating our own coffee shop. Early on, the matter of financing had created doubts for us. At that time we were uncertain how to pay for such a project. Fortunately, as we were inviting young people to hear Minster Farrakhan’s “Justifiable Homicide” lecture series, we encountered a flyer offering up to $5,000 for youth who were interested in starting a business. Immediately, we hurriedly continued creating a Business plan to apply for the grant albeit the deadline was three days away at that time. Our application was accepted and we were granted the “free” money, which allowed us to jumpstart our Business. Here, we began taking our vision and making a manifest reality. To complete our project we had to finish our Business Plan, which included the following skills as, mentioned before: Vision, Process, Strategy, Tactics, Policy, and Data.
Be sure to follow your vision and then call on the author of your vision. Never let opposition become a deterrent. If we want to see a new reality, then we must build it OURSLEVES!
“What is man but what he strives for? “–Holy Quran 53
Check out Grindin at:!/pages/Grindin-Coffeehouse/117025678342391?ref=ts
Allah is the creator of all things, the revealer of all truth, the Lord, nourisher, sustainer, and evolver of all things into their eventual perfection.
A Business is a project. A Business is a project that requires the personal involvement, effort, and work of concerned men to organize to achieve a measure of success. In the word Business the letter ‘i’ can be interchanged with the vowel ‘y’, making it “Busy-ness.” Business requires motion.
The first step toward the establishment of a Business is motion. The first form of motion is thought, which travels at 24 billion miles per second. The first thought that must come is the vision that we have. In his recent lecture titled, Put on the New Man, Minister Farrakhan gave a simple blueprint. He said,
“The ideal scene is composed of vision that has set a goal, and then a process, and a strategy, and tactics, and policy, and data to help us move toward that goal.”
The above are the key elements to the establishment of any business: Visison, Process, Strategy, Tactics, Policy, and Data! To further illustrate the process by which one can attain a state of busy-ness, the Minster continued,
“A nation of gods that have the intelligence, the skill, to say "Be." Organize their gifts, skills, and talents, and resources with a plan and bring what they envision into existence.”
If a man (business) TRULY desires success something more is required! Any business that expects to have true longevity must be attached to the source of longevity, Allah. “We were birthed into His Universe which is a manifestation of His mind.” The Universe is a manifestation of the mind of Allah. Our Busy-ness is the manifestation of Our minds. The spiritual always descends into physical form. Therefore, “You can tell the mind of a man by the working of his hand.”
When establishing a Business, it is important to realize that through your and my intimate relationship with our Lord, we are most able to achieve success. In Study Guide #4 by Minister Louis Farrakhan he writes, in regards to our connection to the Lord of the way of Ascent- Allah. He states, “Lord of the ways of Ascent indicates that Allah (God), the Author of all existence, has given to the whole creation its means of nourishment and has even ordained for every single one of us, a sphere of capacity. Within that sphere, He has already provided us the means or ways by which each of us attains to our goal of perfection in that which He has given us.” Anything we wish to accomplish, business related or otherwise, it absolutely possible as long as we are connected to the Lord of the Ways of Ascent. Then He pre-provides the means, greatness, and mechanisms necessary to accomplish a task. Calling on him, by the way, does NOT excuse us from WORKING Ourselves! It simply puts us on the right course toward perfection.
When we make Allah (God) the true center of All Reality in our Personal live, then we begin to see beneficial results later on. This is the glue that sticks the key principle to each other thereby creating a good, positive, and peaceful cohesion upon which Business’ lay.
All of the above can only be considered to be theoretical until it is actually applied. I along with some classmates put the theory to practice! During my junior year in higschool, I along with my high school classmates was able to open a student ran coffee shop. We originated the idea in our Principles of Business class, which we had planned to channel our natural entrepreneurial abilities by opening a Business. This is the first step, THOUGHT. Unbeknown to us then, we would eventually open a full-service coffee shop to our fellow students, staff, and faculty. This is the Second Principle, VISION. We began to brainstorm and work on small steps toward creating our own coffee shop. Early on, the matter of financing had created doubts for us. At that time we were uncertain how to pay for such a project. Fortunately, as we were inviting young people to hear Minster Farrakhan’s “Justifiable Homicide” lecture series, we encountered a flyer offering up to $5,000 for youth who were interested in starting a business. Immediately, we hurriedly continued creating a Business plan to apply for the grant albeit the deadline was three days away at that time. Our application was accepted and we were granted the “free” money, which allowed us to jumpstart our Business. Here, we began taking our vision and making a manifest reality. To complete our project we had to finish our Business Plan, which included the following skills as, mentioned before: Vision, Process, Strategy, Tactics, Policy, and Data.
Be sure to follow your vision and then call on the author of your vision. Never let opposition become a deterrent. If we want to see a new reality, then we must build it OURSLEVES!
“What is man but what he strives for? “–Holy Quran 53
Check out Grindin at:!/pages/Grindin-Coffeehouse/117025678342391?ref=ts
Elijah Muhammad,
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